Free 7 Day Summer Body Confidence Challenge

Free 7 Day Summer Body Confidence Challenge!


Are you tired of all the talk about getting your “summer body” ready?? I know I am!

My free 7 Day Summer Body Confidence Challenge is designed to be the antidote to all the crap messages the fitness industry gives us about how we’re supposed to show up for summer. 

The truth of the matter is, you don’t need a new body to do all the things you want to do this summer.

The idea of getting a “bikini body” is utter and total BS. The 7 Day Summer Body Confidence Challenge will be more about transforming your relationship with exercise and your body.

 You can also expect to: 

  • Dig into your own values to find your motivation for working out beyond how you look in a bikini AND figure out what kinds of activities suit your personality best. 
  • Get rid of some of the external measures that might be weighing you down. 
  • Stop giving yourself a guilt trip for taking rest days. 
  • Add some new activities to your fitness routine.
  • Learn some badass new things to do at the gym besides just use the cardio equipment.
  • Connect with a community of likeminded women.
  • AND other fun surprises!


The challenge has actually already started! But if you enter your name and email, you’ll be added to the waitlist and be the first to know when the next round starts.