strength Training
with equal parts challenge + compassion
Your workouts are meant to enhance your life, not consume it.
You’re over using exercise to tear yourself down–you wanna build yourself up so you can do more.
I help women who like to do hard things be more chill in their approach to fitness.
blog posts

Am I “The Enemy From Within”??
Am I the enemy from within?? This is what I thought to myself on Halloween, when I had a chance to talk to the MAGA gear wearing grandparents at my son’s preschool. I had seen them at pickup a few times, decked out in Trump merch. To be honest, it made my heart race every…

Considering DIY Strength Training? Here’s What You Need To Know First:
Over the past few months, I have actively discouraged multiple people from signing up for my DIY strength training program. On many occasions, I have actually considered pulling it away from my offerings altogether. You might wonder why, considering that this time last year I was talking about it nonstop. But here’s what I want…

How To Fit Fitness Into Your Life When Life Is a Shitshow
So life is a shitshow right now. Can we all just agree on that? Lately, I look around at the world around me like UGHHHHH. Today I’m thinking mostly about Afghanistan and Texas, but this changes daily. I feel like I need to do all of the things to make it better and also like…