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My biggest challenge before working with Jenna was just getting started again with movement. I had previously been burned out, using exercise as a punishment to try to lose weight and needed another approach. I was feeling defeated because I didn't really know any other way than intentional weight loss. After a few months with Jenna, I'm starting to learn that I'm stronger than I believe and I don't have to do any form of exercise that I hate. I also have a new way of thinking towards strength training and exercise as training for life. And now I also know that just because I can't do something a certain way doesn't mean anything bad, it just means it doesn't work for my body and I need to find another way to do it. I'm learning to like kettlebells and it's also helpful to know proper form. I also like being able to bicep curl a 16-pound bag of cat food. Emoji It's also empowering to know that I can do things for myself because I'm a strong badass lady! If you're on the fence about working with Jenna, it's SO worth it! You learn things about yourself you didn't know and meet some like-minded women, even some who are going through the same struggles as you. It's refreshing to see these people of all sizes and fitness levels. Don't ever feel like you'll be "behind" because you aren't in a position you feel you "should" be in. This is a no intimidation space. Give yourself a pace you're comfortable with that works for you. Doing your best is all anyone can ask, wherever it is that you're at this moment in time.

Roni S.

It's Jenna J

Roni S.

My biggest challenge before working with Jenna was just getting started again with movement. I had previously been burned out, using exercise as a punishment to try to lose weight and needed another approach. I was feeling defeated because I didn't really know any other way than intentional weight loss. After a few months with Jenna, I'm starting to learn that I'm stronger than I believe and I don't have to do any form of exercise that I hate. I also have a new way of thinking towards strength training and exercise as training for life. And now I also know that just because I can't do something a certain way doesn't mean anything bad, it just means it doesn't work for my body and I need to find another way to do it. I'm learning to like kettlebells and it's also helpful to know proper form. I also like being able to bicep curl a 16-pound bag of cat food. Emoji It's also empowering to know that I can do things for myself because I'm a strong badass lady! If you're on the fence about working with Jenna, it's SO worth it! You learn things about yourself you didn't know and meet some like-minded women, even some who are going through the same struggles as you. It's refreshing to see these people of all sizes and fitness levels. Don't ever feel like you'll be "behind" because you aren't in a position you feel you "should" be in. This is a no intimidation space. Give yourself a pace you're comfortable with that works for you. Doing your best is all anyone can ask, wherever it is that you're at this moment in time.
My biggest challenge prior to TLSC was my “all or nothing” mindset regarding strength training. I struggled with the concept of bringing joy to my movement practice, so I chose to be sedentary. Which resulted in feelings of shame, apathy, and frustration. Regardless of my valiant attempts, I would consistently set myself up for failure thinking I had to work out 5 days a week to be successful. Aside from the amazing strength training program TLSC provides, Jenna has provided me with priceless guidance to define and breakdown what “all or nothing” means in my personal situation. The personalized one-on-one support from Jenna and the group mentality of the Facebook page has helped me morph my relationship with movement from apathetic to intentional and joyful. I would highly recommend working with Jenna to improve not only your strength but your mindset.

Alyssa B.

It's Jenna J

Alyssa B.

My biggest challenge prior to TLSC was my “all or nothing” mindset regarding strength training. I struggled with the concept of bringing joy to my movement practice, so I chose to be sedentary. Which resulted in feelings of shame, apathy, and frustration. Regardless of my valiant attempts, I would consistently set myself up for failure thinking I had to work out 5 days a week to be successful. Aside from the amazing strength training program TLSC provides, Jenna has provided me with priceless guidance to define and breakdown what “all or nothing” means in my personal situation. The personalized one-on-one support from Jenna and the group mentality of the Facebook page has helped me morph my relationship with movement from apathetic to intentional and joyful. I would highly recommend working with Jenna to improve not only your strength but your mindset.
My biggest struggles prior to doing online coaching with Jenna were definitely consistency and finding a workout community that wasn't centered on toxic diet culture. After a few health-related setbacks I was frustrated with myself for not being able to start where I left off, for losing momentum. I struggled to find a kind of movement that I enjoyed. I tried everything - barre, yoga, HIIT, running/walking. None of it really stuck. I was so frustrated! Every kind of exercise I tried prior to TLSC focused on "calorie-burning" and "losing weight fast!" but I just couldn't get into them, it always felt punitive and I always felt bad about myself after, even if it was a good workout for me. I wanted a community that was supportive where I could learn to find my strengths (hello, squats) and work on my weaknesses (arms, definitely arms). After working with Jenna, I feel more embodied, more centered, more in-tune with my body's needs. Definitely stronger. I learned from Jenna that starting where you are is the most important. Instead of telling me how much to lift she encourages all of us to listen to our body to understand how hard we can/should push ourselves and when to move up in weights. Learning how to do that instead of following a generic workout plan has been a real game-changer. I've increased the weights I use for exercise, and I'm able to work out for longer than I could previously. I also actually enjoy it and feel a sense of accomplishment when I'm done. Jenna is incredible, and the community she has built has been a great foundation for my personal growth over the past few months. If it has been a while since you've engaged in any kind of program, or if you're trying to find a way to stay active while we're stuck at home, or if your mental health is suffering from lack of movement, this is a great program for you. My favorite part of the program has been watching womxn in the program like me doing these exercises, real people and real bodies and real form checks. It's been so inspiring to watch everyone grow! I'm really grateful that this program exists, that it's been an amazing way to stay connected and grounded during this pandemic.

Jenn A.

It's Jenna J

Jenn A.

My biggest struggles prior to doing online coaching with Jenna were definitely consistency and finding a workout community that wasn't centered on toxic diet culture. After a few health-related setbacks I was frustrated with myself for not being able to start where I left off, for losing momentum. I struggled to find a kind of movement that I enjoyed. I tried everything - barre, yoga, HIIT, running/walking. None of it really stuck. I was so frustrated! Every kind of exercise I tried prior to TLSC focused on "calorie-burning" and "losing weight fast!" but I just couldn't get into them, it always felt punitive and I always felt bad about myself after, even if it was a good workout for me. I wanted a community that was supportive where I could learn to find my strengths (hello, squats) and work on my weaknesses (arms, definitely arms). After working with Jenna, I feel more embodied, more centered, more in-tune with my body's needs. Definitely stronger. I learned from Jenna that starting where you are is the most important. Instead of telling me how much to lift she encourages all of us to listen to our body to understand how hard we can/should push ourselves and when to move up in weights. Learning how to do that instead of following a generic workout plan has been a real game-changer. I've increased the weights I use for exercise, and I'm able to work out for longer than I could previously. I also actually enjoy it and feel a sense of accomplishment when I'm done. Jenna is incredible, and the community she has built has been a great foundation for my personal growth over the past few months. If it has been a while since you've engaged in any kind of program, or if you're...
Prior to working with Jenna, I struggled to find my community. I often felt alone in my pursuit of movement and strength while remaining committed to ditching diet culture. Jenna provided the perfect combination of a well-designed strength training program with mindset exploration and support. In her program, I was able to relax into an intuitive relationship with my body, and find the natural movement it craves. I never felt the pressure or guilt that often comes with workout plans steeped in diet culture. Jenna prioritized our mindset around movement and its role in our relationship with our bodies. Jenna provided a warm and welcoming group environment and I look forward to working with her more.

Kamala L.

It's Jenna J

Kamala L.

Prior to working with Jenna, I struggled to find my community. I often felt alone in my pursuit of movement and strength while remaining committed to ditching diet culture. Jenna provided the perfect combination of a well-designed strength training program with mindset exploration and support. In her program, I was able to relax into an intuitive relationship with my body, and find the natural movement it craves. I never felt the pressure or guilt that often comes with workout plans steeped in diet culture. Jenna prioritized our mindset around movement and its role in our relationship with our bodies. Jenna provided a warm and welcoming group environment and I look forward to working with her more.
The biggest struggle pre-Jenna that I had was with motivation to go to the gym because I never knew what to do! I would wind up doing things that hurt my back, bored me, or didn’t feel good so I never wanted to go. It was super frustrating, especially because I had gone from dancing an average of 7 hours a week to nothing in college so I missed the movement. Jenna gave me four workouts with variety and that were tailored to my personal needs. She took into account my health history and my interests! I’ve gotten closer to being able to do a pull up, improved my push ups, and feel better about my body and my workouts! If you’re on the fence about working with Jenna, don’t be. She’s approachable, hits you with tough love, and helps you get results. She’s not focused on you losing weight or slimming down or any of that, she’s focused on you feeling good and strong! She’s the best!

Erin P.

It's Jenna J

Erin P.

The biggest struggle pre-Jenna that I had was with motivation to go to the gym because I never knew what to do! I would wind up doing things that hurt my back, bored me, or didn’t feel good so I never wanted to go. It was super frustrating, especially because I had gone from dancing an average of 7 hours a week to nothing in college so I missed the movement. Jenna gave me four workouts with variety and that were tailored to my personal needs. She took into account my health history and my interests! I’ve gotten closer to being able to do a pull up, improved my push ups, and feel better about my body and my workouts! If you’re on the fence about working with Jenna, don’t be. She’s approachable, hits you with tough love, and helps you get results. She’s not focused on you losing weight or slimming down or any of that, she’s focused on you feeling good and strong! She’s the best!
Jenna is a true breath of fresh air in the fitness industry! After spending years working out 5-6 days a week and working with a trainer who often provided unsolicited weight loss advice, I ended up burnt out and frustrated. I struggled with both the motivation to even want to work out, as well as the disappointment that I wasn’t able to do the things I used to do. Working with Jenna has helped re-inspire a love for fitness that has nothing to do with how my body looks, but how it feels. I loved that the workouts are both personalized and flexible - If I wanted to add in a new move or change the structure, it was totally fine! In fact, she encouraged me to do that as I wanted. Jenna seems to have an innate ability to know when to push me to try something new (i.e. push-ups) and when to pause and listen if I need to modify a movement or just really don’t like something. I’m now working out way more consistently and have seen improvements in my strength levels, which is exactly what I was hoping for! She approaches this work with so much warmth, compassion and curiosity, it has truly been a game-changer. Having support for workouts, in addition to advice just navigating life as someone moving away focusing on diets and weight loss, has been incredibly valuable. I can’t even begin to describe how incredibly grateful I am to have Jenna in my life.

Justine D.

It's Jenna J

Justine D.

Jenna is a true breath of fresh air in the fitness industry! After spending years working out 5-6 days a week and working with a trainer who often provided unsolicited weight loss advice, I ended up burnt out and frustrated. I struggled with both the motivation to even want to work out, as well as the disappointment that I wasn’t able to do the things I used to do. Working with Jenna has helped re-inspire a love for fitness that has nothing to do with how my body looks, but how it feels. I loved that the workouts are both personalized and flexible - If I wanted to add in a new move or change the structure, it was totally fine! In fact, she encouraged me to do that as I wanted. Jenna seems to have an innate ability to know when to push me to try something new (i.e. push-ups) and when to pause and listen if I need to modify a movement or just really don’t like something. I’m now working out way more consistently and have seen improvements in my strength levels, which is exactly what I was hoping for! She approaches this work with so much warmth, compassion and curiosity, it has truly been a game-changer. Having support for workouts, in addition to advice just navigating life as someone moving away focusing on diets and weight loss, has been incredibly valuable. I can’t even begin to describe how incredibly grateful I am to have Jenna in my life.
I started working with Jenna after a lifetime of setting “getting in shape” goals, which always included starting a workout regimen which I followed for a day/week/month before crashing and burning in a ball of failure and shame. I had already done a lot of work rejecting the diet culture mindset and improving my relationship with food, but as I continued on my journey of body love and acceptance - I was still really struggling to incorporate the movement and exercise I knew wanted in my life. Working with Jenna has been a game-changer. She has helped me redefine how and why I am incorporating fitness in my life (reasons that have nothing to do with a scale or dress size) and I’ve been consistently training with her for over 5 months now - which is the longest I have EVER stuck with any form of exercise as an adult. I feel more confident in my strength and more comfortable with my capabilities than I thought was possible. Each workout that Jenna designs is somehow both a challenge and meets me where I am. She’s super encouraging and reminds me when I am struggling that I can do things that might feel hard! In fact, I just hit a deadlift PR of 175 lbs (and counting!) which is a way more empowering way to measure weight! If you are looking for someone to help you gain strength, confidence and general badassery - Jenna is your gal! 🙂

Stephanie W.

It's Jenna J

Stephanie W.

I started working with Jenna after a lifetime of setting “getting in shape” goals, which always included starting a workout regimen which I followed for a day/week/month before crashing and burning in a ball of failure and shame. I had already done a lot of work rejecting the diet culture mindset and improving my relationship with food, but as I continued on my journey of body love and acceptance - I was still really struggling to incorporate the movement and exercise I knew wanted in my life. Working with Jenna has been a game-changer. She has helped me redefine how and why I am incorporating fitness in my life (reasons that have nothing to do with a scale or dress size) and I’ve been consistently training with her for over 5 months now - which is the longest I have EVER stuck with any form of exercise as an adult. I feel more confident in my strength and more comfortable with my capabilities than I thought was possible. Each workout that Jenna designs is somehow both a challenge and meets me where I am. She’s super encouraging and reminds me when I am struggling that I can do things that might feel hard! In fact, I just hit a deadlift PR of 175 lbs (and counting!) which is a way more empowering way to measure weight! If you are looking for someone to help you gain strength, confidence and general badassery - Jenna is your gal! 🙂
"A lot has changed regarding my mindset, my habits, and how I view working out for myself rather than trying to meet someone else's expectations of my fitness and what my goals should be. Being in the space Jenna has created where there is 'no behind' and 'no wagon' is something I didn't know I needed. By supporting us when we are struggling and reminding us to give ourselves grace, be patient with ourselves, our time, and our lives (and celebrating our wins large or small) while on this journey has helped me put down so many expectations around my fitness and goals that I didn't need to keep carrying. I'm really glad I took the risk and joined. I was dubious of online coaching, but I'm happy I reached out and signed up and I love being part of this group!"

Jessica R.

It's Jenna J

Jessica R.

"A lot has changed regarding my mindset, my habits, and how I view working out for myself rather than trying to meet someone else's expectations of my fitness and what my goals should be. Being in the space Jenna has created where there is 'no behind' and 'no wagon' is something I didn't know I needed. By supporting us when we are struggling and reminding us to give ourselves grace, be patient with ourselves, our time, and our lives (and celebrating our wins large or small) while on this journey has helped me put down so many expectations around my fitness and goals that I didn't need to keep carrying. I'm really glad I took the risk and joined. I was dubious of online coaching, but I'm happy I reached out and signed up and I love being part of this group!"
Before I started online coaching with you in TLSC, I really struggled with consistency. I bought countless PDF programs but never finished one. This was the first 12 week program I've finished, and am excited to move forward with another phase! I think what made a huge difference was feeling supported by having a coach as well as a group of others going through the same program. It also really helped that the programming was awesome. I loved having someone tell me exactly what to do, from warmup to cool down. I enjoyed having consistency to build process, while still having enough variety to hold my interest. The length of the workouts were also a perfect fit for my life, and made it easier to stay consistent while still having time for all the other things in my life. Joining TLSC has been such a gift to myself. After many years of struggling, I'm now back in a place where I'm truly looking forward to my workouts, and could do this for the long term. I am feeling stronger and grateful for all my body can do, which has come from not only the workouts but the mindset work as well. I can't wait to see where the next phase takes me!

Ashley D.

It's Jenna J

Ashley D.

Before I started online coaching with you in TLSC, I really struggled with consistency. I bought countless PDF programs but never finished one. This was the first 12 week program I've finished, and am excited to move forward with another phase! I think what made a huge difference was feeling supported by having a coach as well as a group of others going through the same program. It also really helped that the programming was awesome. I loved having someone tell me exactly what to do, from warmup to cool down. I enjoyed having consistency to build process, while still having enough variety to hold my interest. The length of the workouts were also a perfect fit for my life, and made it easier to stay consistent while still having time for all the other things in my life. Joining TLSC has been such a gift to myself. After many years of struggling, I'm now back in a place where I'm truly looking forward to my workouts, and could do this for the long term. I am feeling stronger and grateful for all my body can do, which has come from not only the workouts but the mindset work as well. I can't wait to see where the next phase takes me!
My biggest challenge before starting online coaching with Jenna was getting myself back to working out as well as the challenge of comparison.. I used to be the person who worked out hardcore 6-7 days a week. If I skipped a workout I would be so incredibly stressed out and that's all I would think about. I was comparing my progress to how I previously worked out. This struggle made me feel weak, unmotivated and created a lot of anxiety around working out. When I began working out with Jenna working out became less about how I used to workout and how I workout now. I love lifting and I love learning to work with the kettlebell. The workouts being laid out help me to just jump in and follow along, some days that's what I need. I am now setting goals that aren't around weight loss and are around how I want to move my body. If you are on the fence about working out with Jenna I would ask you what drew you to Jenna in the first place? Once I did the challenge with Jenna I was all in. Jenna's calm demeanor and encouraging words were all I needed. Also, the constant willingness to help you push and grow outside of your comfort zone is what I needed. I didn't know how much I needed this program and this training in my life but it has changed me from the inside out. I look forward to seeing where else it takes me.

Lauren M.

It's Jenna J

Lauren M.

My biggest challenge before starting online coaching with Jenna was getting myself back to working out as well as the challenge of comparison.. I used to be the person who worked out hardcore 6-7 days a week. If I skipped a workout I would be so incredibly stressed out and that's all I would think about. I was comparing my progress to how I previously worked out. This struggle made me feel weak, unmotivated and created a lot of anxiety around working out. When I began working out with Jenna working out became less about how I used to workout and how I workout now. I love lifting and I love learning to work with the kettlebell. The workouts being laid out help me to just jump in and follow along, some days that's what I need. I am now setting goals that aren't around weight loss and are around how I want to move my body. If you are on the fence about working out with Jenna I would ask you what drew you to Jenna in the first place? Once I did the challenge with Jenna I was all in. Jenna's calm demeanor and encouraging words were all I needed. Also, the constant willingness to help you push and grow outside of your comfort zone is what I needed. I didn't know how much I needed this program and this training in my life but it has changed me from the inside out. I look forward to seeing where else it takes me.
"Jenna taught me that motivation is a myth. She reminded me that it’s okay to take some off days and that starting small is a good place to begin. I’ve gained so much momentum in her program and have felt so grateful for all of the things she teaches me in her modules many things that I could use for the rest of my life. Working with Jenna has been life-changing for me. It has helped me level up. I have so much pride in myself in so many ways – feeling strong, gaining confidence, learning new skills, and learning more about working out through the modules provided. I cannot recommend her enough."

Katie F.

It's Jenna J

Katie F.

"Jenna taught me that motivation is a myth. She reminded me that it’s okay to take some off days and that starting small is a good place to begin. I’ve gained so much momentum in her program and have felt so grateful for all of the things she teaches me in her modules many things that I could use for the rest of my life. Working with Jenna has been life-changing for me. It has helped me level up. I have so much pride in myself in so many ways – feeling strong, gaining confidence, learning new skills, and learning more about working out through the modules provided. I cannot recommend her enough."
I never thought I’d be one of those people that actually enjoys working out as a hobby, but here I am! Sure, strength training is great, but TLSC’s true value is in the mindset coaching. Before I met Jenna, I couldn’t even fathom exercising for any other reason than to lose weight. She helped me tap into what I actually value, and I can now honestly say that working out with her and the group enriches my life and mental health. And I didn’t have to lose an ounce.

Shayne H.

It's Jenna J

Shayne H.

I never thought I’d be one of those people that actually enjoys working out as a hobby, but here I am! Sure, strength training is great, but TLSC’s true value is in the mindset coaching. Before I met Jenna, I couldn’t even fathom exercising for any other reason than to lose weight. She helped me tap into what I actually value, and I can now honestly say that working out with her and the group enriches my life and mental health. And I didn’t have to lose an ounce.
It's Jenna J