Lemonade Calls are for you if you want a coach in your corner who can see potential and possibility where you’re just feeling stuck.
Especially when it comes to all things fitness related.
Bring your “lemons” and I’ll help you find a fresh perspective!
Lemonade Calls are a limited time pop-up!
It’s a way for us to work together unlike anything I’ve ever offered before. It’s especially for you if you like my content and the overall vibe but aren’t in the market for a personal trainer or an online strength training program at the moment.
$147 for everything listed
They aren’t currently available, but sign up for my email list if you want to be the first to know when they open up again!
Here’s How Lemonade Calls Work:
I know that not everyone wants lemonade made out of their lemons. But maybe you do?
Lemonade Calls are for you if you want a compassionate coach in your corner who can give you a fresh perspective and sees possibility and potential where you’re just feeling stuck. Especially when it comes to fitness.
One thing about me–I’m resourceful AF. You tell me something can’t be done, and I’ll come up with 20 different ways that it can be. I’m an Enneagram 7 with a strong 8 wing. An enthusiast with a bit of challenger in me. My natural tendency is to find the silver lining in all situations. But I am NOT bringing toxic positivity to your coaching call. I’m here to hold space for whatever lemony shit you bring me. We’re just gonna figure out a game plan to make it less shitty. Together.
I’ve seen a lot of my clients, friends, and family really struggling in the aftermath of the past few years.
The things that worked for you before just aren’t cutting it anymore.
You wonder how you managed to do things like work out 5 days a week at 6am and still made dinner.
You used to care about PR’s at the gym, but now you just don’t give AF.
You gained some weight and you’re trying not to care and you wish you could just accept your body at any size but you’re secretly wondering if this is actually healthy?
And the internet is full of noise and it’s telling you to lift weights but also do 30 minutes of zone 2 cardio most days of the week but that’s gonna make you lose muscle mass but also maybe you should do some mobility training but how is that different than yoga and you really need to get these heel lifts to improve your squat depth and also why are you so out of breath when you take the stairs now and maybe you should just sign up for that 80 day challenge your old college roommate keeps talking about but is it a pyramid scheme and also . . .
You’re just. . . So. Fucking. Tired.
I gotchu. 🙂
Here are some things we could work through during your Lemonade Call:
Please note: Lemonade Calls are not a substitute for therapy or medical advice. I will send you an intake form before your call and if we determine that you need a different type of coaching than my scope of practice or expertise allows, I’ll give you a full refund, and offer any referrals I may have. (If you want them.)
Gift yourself the momentum you need! I’m here as someone who believes in your ability to do the thing, sees your potential, and wants to help you get there!
This is what I can promise: