You’ve probably heard me talk about my online strength training program Kettlebell Social.
I was gonna call this “Kettlebell Anti-Social” but that didn’t feel quite right. LOL. It’s the strength programming that Kettlebell Social members get, but the un-coached version. If you’re already in the habit of getting to the gym and are comfortable following a program on your own with minimal guidance, this is for you!
I’m here to take the guesswork out of your workouts so that you can:
Kettlebell Social DIY
A flexible strength training program
3 days/week of strength training workouts.
Everything in an easy to use app.
No minimum commitment!
When you click the button above, you’ll be directed to PayPal to securely pay for the DIY program. After your payment is complete, you’ll be redirected back to this site. Within 72 hours, you’ll receive an email from me with instructions on how to access the program.
Kettlebell Social
3 programmed workouts per week.
DM coaching + monthly calls.
Private Discord community.