10 (Non-Diet) Ways To Deal When You Realize You’ve Gained Weight
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10 (Non-Diet) Ways To Deal When You Realize You’ve Gained Weight

To say that I have a strong dislike for the scale would be putting it lightly. I haven’t owned one for at least 3 years. When I go to the doctor, I request not to be weighed, and if they insist, I face backwards. If I hear someone mention getting on a scale I have…

Yoga off the mat: How to upgrade your life with Ahimsa (the yoga philosophy of nonviolence)
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Yoga off the mat: How to upgrade your life with Ahimsa (the yoga philosophy of nonviolence)

In a few of my previous blog posts, I’ve mentioned the idea of Ahimsa, or nonviolence, and how it’s really been a game changer for me in terms of beating some of my self-destructive habits. Ahimsa is the first of the Yamas (essentially ethical guidelines) that make up make up the first limb of the…

How to tell if your “healthy” addiction to exercise is actually doing you more harm than good
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How to tell if your “healthy” addiction to exercise is actually doing you more harm than good

There is no doubt that there are plenty of great health benefits to exercising and moving your body on a regular basis. Being committed to a fitness routine is often seen as a virtue, and those of us who work out regularly are consistently praised for our discipline and work ethic. If something is good,…

Coconut oil is now bad for you? A few things to consider before you freak out over health headlines like this one.

Coconut oil is now bad for you? A few things to consider before you freak out over health headlines like this one.

First and foremost, let me just state that I am in no way shape or form interested in debating the health benefits/drawbacks of eating coconut oil today. I am also not a Registered Dietician, nor do I play one on the internet. That being said, I found myself really rattled this past week when I…

Planning on a post-holiday diet or detox? Try these 7 things instead.
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Planning on a post-holiday diet or detox? Try these 7 things instead.

It’s amazing how aware I’ve become of the prevalence of diet culture since I’ve given up dieting. I really noticed it on Christmas Eve at dinner. Everyone was talking about how “bad” the food was for them, and was looking to me, the fitness professional, to affirm that their choice to eat something made of dark chocolate…