Silver fork wrapped in a turquoise tape measure, with a red felt heart, on a light pink background.

How To Accept Your Body (When You Also Want To Be In Better Shape)

“How do you reconcile wanting to be in better shape while also accepting your body now? “ I got this question from one of my Instagram followers the other day, and it was immediately backed up by dozens of others affirming that they also had the same question. How TF are you supposed to “love…

Two gray dumbells, a green ball, and green, yellow, and white tape measures on a white background.

10 Sneaky Ways the Fitness Industry Is Making You Feel Like Crap. (And What To Do About It)

I’m just going to come right out and say this bluntly. The fitness industry has a way of making people feel like crap. A really sneaky way. As in you probably feel kind of low key $hitty about yourself right now and can’t put your finger on why. Don’t worry, I can. Why am I…

Why I’m Reconsidering My Use Of The Words “Body Positive”

Why I’m Reconsidering My Use Of The Words “Body Positive”

I’m taking a good hard look at how and when I use the words “body positive” to describe myself and what I do. I think it’s important that we all do. I have no problem admitting when I’ve been wrong. I thrive on growth and change. So here goes: I think I’ve been doing this…

13 Surprising Ways Strength Training Changed My Life
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13 Surprising Ways Strength Training Changed My Life

I’ve been pleasantly surprised to find that most of my co-workers seem to be genuinely interested in my approach to health and fitness–even the parts where I tell people it’s ok to eat carbs and take naps. The other day I was chatting with one of the other trainers at the gym where I work. He…

8 Ways To Measure Your Fitness Progress That Have Nothing To Do With Weight
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8 Ways To Measure Your Fitness Progress That Have Nothing To Do With Weight

The other day I was talking with a new client who finally had what I like to call the “eff this I’m done moment”. It’s a magical moment when you decide that you no longer want to spend your life perpetually pursuing intentional weight loss. I had this moment for myself a little over two…

How To Tell If Your Healthy “Lifestyle Change” Is Actually Good For You
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How To Tell If Your Healthy “Lifestyle Change” Is Actually Good For You

The other day I was getting ready to teach a group fitness class when one of my regular students came up to me. She wanted to give me a heads up that if she seemed a little “off” or looked like she wasn’t trying it was because she was trying a new “lifestyle change”: intermittent…

Have An Aesthetic Fitness Goal? 10 Important Questions To Ask Yourself

Have An Aesthetic Fitness Goal? 10 Important Questions To Ask Yourself

Yesterday I was working out at the gym where I’m also a personal trainer, when I overheard a conversation between two of my male co-workers. One of them made the observation that whenever he sees women working out on their own, all they ever seem to want to do is lower body work. Or as…

10 (Non-Diet) Ways To Deal When You Realize You’ve Gained Weight
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10 (Non-Diet) Ways To Deal When You Realize You’ve Gained Weight

To say that I have a strong dislike for the scale would be putting it lightly. I haven’t owned one for at least 3 years. When I go to the doctor, I request not to be weighed, and if they insist, I face backwards. If I hear someone mention getting on a scale I have…