Your workouts are meant to enhance your life, not consume it.
You’re over using exercise to tear yourself down–you wanna build yourself up so you can do more.
You like to do hard things but you’re trying to be more chill in your approach to fitness. I can help.
Kettlebell Social
A flexible strength training program you can do on your own time, plus lots more!
3 month minimum commitment
Guided Strength Training with a Personal Touch
3 Programmed Workouts per Week
DM Coaching + Monthly Calls
Private Discord Group
Private Podcast
Space is limited. I will only accept the amount of new members that I feel I can effectively coach
and give personalized attention to. Lock in this price now!
Here’s what you’ll get inside:
You’re SO over using your workouts to shrink yourself. You’re done obsessing over your weight and size. You love to work out but you have a whole ass life to live outside of the gym.
Come play inside Kettlebell Social where we. . .
Give you a flexible game plan…
to use when you go to the gym so you’re not wasting time doing 3 sets of 10 of the same exercises every time.
Help you zero in on…
the most important building blocks of strength training featuring kettlebell skills and gives you room to grow from there. Because kettlebells are fun, portable, and badass!
Give you the freedom and space…
Give you the freedom and space to do it on your own time and alone. Because even though you like to be be social sometimes, group fitness classes really aren’t your thing.
Give you the knowledge and mindset tools…
to build confidence lifting in the free weights section of the gym on your own.
Don’t expect you to…
explain or apologize for missing a workout because you’re a grown ass woman and you’re trusted as the expert on yourself.
Have a small and cozy community–
so that I, as your coach, get to know you as the whole ass human you are.

Kettlebell Social will show you how to:
- Lift heavier than you ever thought possible AND have a fun while you’re doing it (if you think learning new/hard things is fun).
- Get curious about why certain rules around strength training exist, so that you can stop following fitness advice that wasn’t meant for you.
- Explore ways to measure progress that have nothing to do with your weight and size so that you feel like there’s a point and a purpose to lifting.
- Use strength training to enhance all the things you love to do in your life–not let it consume your life.
- Let your workouts support your mental and physical health instead of letting yourself get swept up into fitness trends that are the opposite of healthy.
- Approach your experience of yourself in your workouts with less judgement and more curiosity.
- Question the messages you’ve absorbed from both the mainstream fitness industry AND the anti-diet culture space. Because unquestioningly following advice from fitness influencers and unquestioningly following advice from anti-diet professionals are two different flavors of the same shit sandwich.
Kettlebell Social is for you if:
- You’re already in the habit of working out regularly but you want to learn some new shit and get clear on what things are worth spending your time on at the gym.
- You’re ready to start questioning why certain rules around fitness exist and whether or not they even make sense for you to follow.
- You think women who lift heavy weights are badass and you wanna feel more confident in your ability to do it on your own.
- Knowledge is power to you–you want to learn the what/why/how of strength training on your own.
- You think kettlebells are cool and you wanna learn more things you can do with them.
- You’re also not into fitness dogma and want options in your workouts (we like kettlebells here but they’re not the ONLY thing we do).
- You know you need a coach who is compassionate and empathetic but also pushes you out of your comfort zone.
- You’re ready to let go of the all-or-nothing approach to fitness and want some tools to start to call yourself out on your own bullshit.
- You wanna be able to live your life and stop caring about how much you weigh or whether or not you can still fit into your jeans from 2006.
- You’re craving community and would love to meet some likeminded and accepting new friends to support you on this journey—you love your real life friends but they’re still trying to do a Whole30.
- You don’t need the accountability of seeing a personal trainer every week–but you do want a little support.