Why Bikini Season is BS–AND 9 Reasons to Work On Your Fitness Anyway
Last week as students filtered into my group fitness class, everyone was in a good mood because of the weather. As Justin Timberlake reminds us this time of year, it’s gonna be MAY. 😉 As I started my class on a set of calf raises, I excitedly announced:
Hey friends! Summer is coming! You know what that means???
I’ll give you a hint–it’s NOT bikini season. Not in my class, anyway. I mean, technically we are approaching summer. But at the risk of ruffling some feathers in the fitness world, I’m just going to come right out and say it:
Whenever I hear threats of impending “bikini season” and getting a “bikini body” it makes me want to do a wall ball with my own head.
Instructors use it as a bribe to get people to work hard in class all too often. Advertisements use it to make us feel bad about ourselves so that we’ll spend money on their program, powder, or pill. For the most part it works. It sells stuff.
Unfortunately, this mentality leaves almost everyone feeling inadequate, like we can never measure up. Like we’re not even welcome or worthy of the gym in the first place.
The current beauty standard is so fake and photoshopped that even bikini models don’t look like the bikini models anymore. Statistics show that 69% of elementary school girls who read magazines say that the pictures influence their concept of the ideal body shape. 47% say the pictures make them want to lose weight. It’s alarming and sad to think that many of my young dance students probably feel this way about themselves. It starts so young, and for many (myself included) it’s something that can stick with you for decades. That is, until someone shows you that there is a different way to do this.
Guess what?! There IS a different way to do this!
Navigating being a personal trainer AND body positive is tricky. As a yoga, group fitness, and dance teacher I want every BODY to feel welcome in my classes. I genuinely love burpees AND I also eat bonbons. I’m starting to accept that it’s possible to be on board with all of these things. I know that a side effect of exercise could be weight loss or a change in body composition (what is commonly implied when people talk about getting ready for “bikini season”), or it might not be. That shouldn’t stop us from doing it anyway. Especially when there are TONS of other great benefits to moving your body. We don’t have to buy into the BS that bikini bodies only look a certain way.
Next time talk of bikini season starts to taint your opinion of exercise, adopt one of these reasons as your “why” instead.
(Please note that not all of these will apply to everyone-especially if you happen to be dealing with an injury, illness, disability, or other limitation. My hope is that you’ll be able to find one or two that help you get excited about moving. That way you can do it from a place of self-care. Instead fear of being judged for not looking good enough at the beach.
1. Self Sufficiency.
Sometimes you just want to be able to get your own bike down from the ceiling rack in the garage when nobody is home to help you. Or carry the groceries inside in one trip. Getting stronger at the gym can translate to getting more stuff done in your daily life.
2. Spring and summer activities.
So many fun things happen outside when the weather is nice, and it’s often when many of us travel. What do YOU want to do this summer? Keep that goal in mind when you plan your workouts. Or maybe that thing IS your workout! Bikini optional.
3. You can learn a new skill.
When was the last time you did something for the first time? For many of us, once we officially finish school, we stop learning new things. There is something refreshing and exciting about getting to be a beginner at something. When that new something is a physical activity, you get to challenge your mind AND your body. Plus you get a free pass to ask rookie questions and even fall on your face.
4. improve your performance in an activity OR JOB YOU ALREADY DO.
What sorts of movements does your job or favorite activity require? Perhaps you have to sit in an uncomfortable position, or repeat certain movement patterns over and over? If you play or sport or even just enjoy activities like gardening, you can add specific exercises to your routine become more efficient at these things and minimize the aches and pains they sometimes cause.
5. It’s fun to move!
Think back to when you were a kid. Did you ride your bike all over the neighborhood? Spin yourself dizzy in the front yard? When did exercise stop being play? Why did it have to become a chore we do because some magazine article told us we aren’t skinny enough for swimwear? I say bring back the fun!
6. Stress relief.
Meditation is great but sitting still is HARD. Things like walking, running, yoga, dancing, swimming, and even lifting weights can be very meditative too. When you are focused on something that requires all of your attention, it’s hard to be anywhere but in the present moment. Changing your physical state is a great way to improve your mental state.
7. more quality time with your loved ones.
I don’t have kids, but I do teach them, and I know they have a lot of energy. I bet yours would appreciate you taking the time to play with them. Same goes for pets. Don’t have actual children OR fur children? Maybe your next excuse to do something active could be with a friend, significant other, or family member you haven’t seen in awhile.
8. AN investment in your Future.
Remember that Life Alert commercial from the 80’s? (“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”) I used to make fun of that as a kid, but the reality is that the world is really automated these days. It’s not designed to keep us strong and mobile–especially as we age. Working on functional movements like squatting, pulling, and balancing could literally save your life one day.
9. Cute shoe season.
I’m half kidding with this one. I mean, how is footwear any different than a bikini?! This is where I was going with my with my class that I mentioned earlier.When it comes to walking in peep toe pumps, the struggle is REAL. It’s so easy to roll an ankle while wearing those things! So…calf raises for the win! They increase ankle strength and stability and keep you safe from a sprain at the end of a long night out. 😉
The next time you think about hitting the gym, take a moment to consider your “why”. It’s easy to get sucked into the allure of prepping for “bikini season”, but it IS possible to enjoy pursuing fitness without trying to hate yourself into a different body. On the other hand, please remember that being “fit” is not a prerequisite for wearing a bikini. And if you have no interest in bikinis, one pieces are apparently very trendy this season. 😉
Love this !
Thanks Cindi! Crossfit has been very instrumental in helping me to see fitness in this way. 🙂